Bitcoin is gaining a significant share in the global money supply, and this trend is expected to continue. To put this into perspective, the total supply of Bitcoin is capped at 21 million, which is a scarce amount compared to the vast supply of fiat currencies.

In contrast, the money supply, particularly the M2 money stock, has been increasing exponentially over the years.

The M2 money stock includes cash, checking deposits, and other liquid deposits. As of now, the M2 money stock stands at over $21 trillion in the United States alone.

Bitcoin's scarcity, combined with its growing adoption and increasing demand, has led to a significant increase in its price. This, in turn, has resulted in Bitcoin gaining a larger share of the global money supply.

Some experts believe that Bitcoin's share of the global money supply could continue to grow as more institutions and individuals invest in the cryptocurrency. This could potentially lead to a shift in the way we think about money and the role of fiat currencies in the global economy.

Overall, Bitcoin's growing share of the global money supply is a significant trend that could have far-reaching implications for the financial system.$BTC