Tiny Verse is a new product from the creator of Major, and Durov also mentioned this project on his channel!

🌌 Tiny Verse - create your own galaxy.

➡️At the beginning, we get +100 stars/hour and start farming star dust (the dust collection button is shown in the photo)

To check how many stars per hour, click "Your account" (see photo)

➡️As soon as you have accumulated ~140-150 star dust, you can upgrade your galaxy for free (Create stars), if you don't want to wait, you can buy Telegram stars and upgrade your galaxy faster.

❗️Then the cost of free upgrades increases.

ATTENTION! Donations are only YOUR choice!!

100 Telegram stars = 100 stars.

❗️❗️If you decide to donate, then check if you are in your galaxy (Click the "Your account" button).

"Your galaxy" - you can see the creation date, rating, number of stars and coordinates of the galaxy. Here you can also get a referral link.

"Improve" - ​​you can change the name of your galaxy, change the shape, change the environment (EVERYTHING IS PAID).

https://t.me/TVerse?startapp=galaxy-000379636300017b172700014356c0 a trap for the game