Odaily Planet Daily reported that QCP Capital stated on their official telegram channel: "As the holidays approach, Bitcoin seems to have found a comfort zone above $93,000. Meanwhile, MicroStrategy recently purchased $5.4 million of BTC again at an average price of $97,862, causing its stock price to drop by 35%. Nevertheless, MSTR's stock price found support near its 20-day moving average, maintaining the intraday low, and is expected to find support above $350. After the decline of BTC, ETH is recovering, having risen over 4% yesterday, while BTC fell by 1.5% during the same period. The ETH/BTC exchange rate surged 13% from the post-election low of 0.0318, reaching 0.0366, indicating a market shift towards ETH. ETH's performance even surpassed the broader CoinDesk 20 index, which only rose by 0.5%. Wall Street hit a historical high after Trump nominated Scott Basset as Treasury Secretary, boosting market sentiment. The Dow Jones Industrial Average surged 439 points (0.49%) to 44,860 points, the S&P 500 index broke the 6,000-point barrier, and the Nasdaq Composite rose by 0.75%. Basset outlined his "three arrows" strategy for the U.S. economy, aiming to reduce the budget deficit to 3% by 2028, achieve 3% GDP growth, and increase oil production by 3 million barrels per day. Basset's market-friendly strategy and potential willingness to ease Trump's tariff policies fueled optimism, driving a broad rebound across the market, leading risk assets to lead the way."