Sui has identified the short-term bottom at 2986
Therefore, Sui will check the peak of 35289 in the short term.
Sui's plan is to check this peak and bottom in the coming days. This means Sui will check the bottom at least once more at 2986.
Sui leads, so the altcoins will also move similarly. But Sui gets more support than other coins. So the coins that move with Sui will check even lower bottoms.
Today is a news release day, so there is a possibility that Sui will sweep both ends in the coming days.
The direction for Sui to retest the 89000-90000 range is quite clear as there is a strong H4 close.
At this range, if it cannot hold, Sui will retest back to the 85500-86055 range. This area has not been confirmed but it is quite certain that Sui will touch it again.
Today is very volatile, so don't panic.