"brc20 Track-Comprehensive Sector Concepts"
ordi native concept: ordi domo nals
The four kings of creation: ordi meme punk pepe
Ordi inscription faucet: sats
Musk’s Trident: gork X.AI 𝕏
BTC ETF leader: IBTC
BTC concept: IBTC PIZA btcs
ai concept: GROK
Public chain concept: btcs eths bnbs okbs bian
General meme: Pepe meme free shib moon lowb
Emoticon coin: xoxo
OKX concept: okex xoxo okog
520 Concept: xoxo love kiss.
cionbase concept: coin base
Blockchain concept: hash
Social concept: 𝕏 chat xoxo
SEC Concept: IBTC
Financial concept: bank
defi concept: biso swap cash
Lightning network concepts: omni, taro
Rare Satoshi concept: rare core
NFT concept: punk bayc, apes
Ordinals concept: domo nals insc <10k, gold
Game concept: $og$ game
fomo concept: rats fomo shit fuck
Zoo: pepe cats fish lion rats noot foxs pigs cows $dog bees honk
There are many opportunities but also great risks