Please forward this article to your friends who hold doge for careful study and repeated reading.
The number of wallet addresses is approximately equal to the number of people holding doge.
Global cryptocurrency users: 300 million
total doge issuance: 127.3 billion
doge wallet addresses: 5.3 million.
On average, each address holds 23,339 doge
0.017% of cryptocurrency users hold doge
The highest price of doge in 2021 was $0.8.
Global cryptocurrency users: 560 million
total doge issuance: 147 billion
doge wallet addresses: 7.1 million
On average, each wallet address holds 20,704 doge
0.012% of cryptocurrency users hold doge.
The highest price of doge in 2024 is $0.48
2025 is the bull market,
Global cryptocurrency users: 650 million
total doge issuance: 152 billion
doge wallet addresses: 10 million
On average, each wallet holds 15,200 doge
0.05% of cryptocurrency users hold doge
The highest price of doge in 2025 is $1.0-$1.6
Inflation rate:
In 2014, 100 billion were already issued,
In 2015, 5 billion were issued
In 2015, doge's inflation rate was about 5.26% (new issuance relative to the total of 100 billion).
At the highest price during the 2021 bull market, doge's issuance was 123.7 billion.
Inflation rate in 2020: about 4.1%.
Future inflation rate: as the total increases, the inflation rate will further decrease.
In 2024, doge issuance: 147 billion
Inflation rate: 3.1%
In 2030, doge inflation rate: 2.4%
Based on the current expansion of cryptocurrency users,
doge's annual increase of 5 billion is in a deflationary state, with demand exceeding supply.
Inflation rate of the US dollar in 2021: 4.7%
Inflation rate of the US dollar in 2024: 3.2%
As of today, the second largest market cap is ETH, currently at 180 billion USD
doge's current market cap is 81.8 billion USD.
The second largest market cap is not fixed; previously ada, trx, xrp, wos, usdt have all held the second position.
In summary, those entering the cryptocurrency market now are friends with financial fortune,
it is expected that by 2030, 800-1 billion people globally will start trading cryptocurrencies.
At the call of Musk, (Musk has the most fans globally, with 220 million followers on his X account, and he posts doge-related news 1-2 times daily)
The number of people holding doge will reach 50-100 million, and the increase in doge issuance can be completely ignored in terms of address expansion. This is the reason I promote doge with Musk, to help you make money, and your friends will inevitably enter the cryptocurrency market. Every person in the cryptocurrency market should hold long-term + actively popularize knowledge, which is the most stable way to make money.
Please forward this article to your friends who hold doge for careful study and repeated reading. #doge⚡