The current price of ADA is $1.075. To trade long or short ADA, it involves a series of strategies such as choosing the entry point, take profit point, and stop loss point. These strategies may vary depending on market sentiment and price trends.
ADA price trends and action suggestions
This report analyzes the short-term, medium-term and long-term trends of Cardano (ADA) based on the current market dynamics, and combines the long-short ratio, closing strength, opening points, take-profit and stop-loss points to form a complete trading strategy recommendation.
Market Overview
Current market price: 1.075 USD
Contract price: 1.075 USD
Current time: 2024-11-23 18:12:34
Total market value: 38,498,615,370 USD
24-hour trading volume: 8,687,098,596 USD
Long-Short Ratio
Exchange name Long-short ratioBinance 1.25OKX 0.90dYdX 1.10BingX 1.15Bitget 0.95Deribit 1.30Bybit 1.20
According to the long-short ratio across major exchanges, market participants are slightly tilted towards the long side of ADA.
ADA Close Strength
Price range Cumulative short position liquidation strength (billion) Cumulative long position liquidation strength (billion) Leverage type Liquidation strength (billion) >1.10 USD1012100x5>1.05 USD8950x4>1.00 USD5725x3<1.00 USD3610x2
In different price ranges, the closing intensity data shows the density of long and short position closings.
Trading strategy recommendation table
Time PeriodLong Opening PointLong Take ProfitLong Stop LossShort Opening PointShort Take ProfitShort Stop LossTrendShort Term (15 Minutes) Term (4 Hours) Term (24 Hours)
Specific strategy recommendations
Short term (15 minutes)
According to the current market sentiment, it is recommended to open a long position at 1.07, with a target take profit point of 1.10 and a stop loss point of 1.05.
If the market sentiment tends to be fearful, it is recommended to open a short position at 1.09, with a target take-profit point of 1.06 and a stop-loss point of 1.12.Mid-term (4 hours)
Based on market sentiment, it is recommended to open a long position at 1.06, with a target take profit point of 1.12 and a stop loss point of 1.03.
If the market trend shows a downward trend, it is recommended to open a short position at 1.11, with a target take profit point of 1.05 and a stop loss point of 1.14.Long term (24 hours)
According to the market sentiment, it is recommended to open a long position at 1.05, with a target take profit point of 1.15 and a stop loss point of 1.00.
If the market trend shows significant weakness, it is recommended to open a short position at 1.13, with a target take-profit point of 1.04 and a stop-loss point of 1.18.#ADA.24小时交易策略