Thoughts on the evening of 11.6:

There were two waves of pins today. After the correction in early trading, it has been on an upward path. During the day, it has been maintaining a range of 34700-35200. The overall volatility is not particularly large. There is a certain risk in wanting to take more space. You need to Be careful of inserting pins. At present, the currency price remains fluctuating around 35200 and is heading for a correction. We have gained a thousand points of space in the white market and will continue to struggle in the evening💪

From a technical structure point of view, at the four-hour level, the Bollinger Bands show a slightly opening upward running pattern, and the currency price runs at the upper limit of the Bollinger Bands. After a slight correction, the main line rises, and the MACD Dot head volume column below shrinks. Status, although kdj has emerged from the golden cross and is upward, it is currently at a high level and is oscillating. The currency price has not exceeded 35500 in the white market, and has not broken 34300 below. The high level oscillation cannot go up or down. The fluctuations are expected to intensify when the US market opens. The current currency price There is still room for further exploration. In the evening, I personally suggest that Xiao Kong eats one wave of callback space at a time, 3.400 points is enough, and then carries out a wave of low and long expectations after the callback is in place.

Monday Night Monroe Action Suggestions:

BTC: Go long near 34700-34800, target 35200-35500, defend 34400

ETH: Go long near 1870-1880, target 1900-1920, defend 1850

(Responsible statement: The above views only provide a general direction. The specific layout is subject to Shipan. Investment is risky, so be cautious when entering the market). #BullRun #Ledger #BTC #ETH。 $BTC $ETH $XRP