Two horizontal lines and one vertical line, that is, "long"

For this week's rising market, the bolder the people, the more productive the land. We bought more above 75,500 on the weekend, looking at 80,000. After reaching 80,000 on Sunday morning, we pointed out again that we would look at 120,000!

It reached 90,000 directly on Tuesday. As long as you are above 80,000, there is 10,000 points of space!

For the rise of Bitcoin, many people are still looking for logic and technology. In fact, the most essential thing is the operation method of the main force. Any round of trend market is a combination of the main force operation and fundamentals, just like climbing stairs, pushing up step by step.

Although the expectation of reaching 90,000 has been fulfilled, it still does not mean that shorting is possible. Although it is at a high level, it is not recommended to participate in any shorting for the time being. Why we have been suggesting to buy more this week, the core reason is that for trading, our trading is trend and direction, not point. After the trend is formed, the point is a little bit worse, and we will make money! #牛回速归,晒晒你的持仓? #HaveYouBinanced #币安将上市ACT、PNUT #比特币搜索热度攀升 #加密货币总市值破3万亿美元 $SOL $ETH $BTC