#特斯拉市值重上1万亿美元 #大盘的下一步? #BTC创历史新高 #币安BNSOL超级质押 #BinanceLabs投资BIOProtocol ❶ Holding Token Dividend (Helping to Hold = Everyone Becomes Rich)

❷ Pool Reflow (Thicker Pool = No More Overvaluation)

❸ Added LP Dividend (Joint Market Making = This is the Future)

❹ Follow Sell and Pump (Market Value Control = Solidifying the Bottom)

❺ Profit Reinvestment (Exit with Profit = Return to the Market)

❻ Pool Withdrawal and Destruction (No Tokens Left = Ultimate Destruction)

❼ Ecological Assistance (Various Ecosystems = Community Empowerment)

❽ Technical Support (Contract Security = Fund Security)

Buy Tax: 𝟏% Marketing

Sell Tax: 5%

3.𝟓% Added LP Dividend (Withdrawal Pool only gives U Tokens for Destruction)

0.𝟓% Holding Token Dividend (Minimum Holding: 2000 Tokens)

𝟏.0% Pool Reflow

❶ Follow Sell 𝟓𝟖𝟖% Used for High Selling and Low Buying in Market Value

❷ Profit Deduction (Only Deducts Profit Portion 𝟏0%)

5% LP Dividend 4% Reflow Market Value 𝟏% Marketing