Foresight News reports that the Bitcoin NFT project Nervape hosted the 'Nervape Auction Night' event in Chiang Mai, where Nervape auctioned a handmade skiboard designed in collaboration with outdoor fashion brand RBY in August. All collectibles are unique one-of-a-kind items, and a total of 5 custom collectibles fetched $23,900. Nervape Studio will also purchase samples displayed on-site at a 1:1 price. Ultimately, the total auction proceeds of $47,800 will be used to repurchase NFTs at the secondary market floor price, and the repurchased NFTs will be placed in a specific public address. The NFT holder incentives, BonePoints, from this address in the future will be used entirely for the Nervape ecosystem construction.
Additionally, from November 7 to 10, Nervape will host an offline Nervape Studio Color Vibes pop-up store in collaboration with RYB and Digibio during CKWEEK, and will attend CKCON to deliver a keynote speech.