The Federal Reserve's interest rate cut of 25 basis points aligns with market expectations, while driving the market to new highs, but the short-term positive factors have mostly been digested.
So, how might the market move next? From the current clearing data, it appears that heavily leveraged bulls hold a significant proportion, and although the market continues to reach new highs, the bearish forces are also gradually strengthening.
It is foreseeable that as the market continues to rise, resistance will increase.
Data shows that if the market falls to around 73800, it is expected to liquidate approximately 661 million dollars in long positions; conversely, if the market continues to rise to around 77500, it is expected to liquidate about 214 million dollars in short positions.
So the question arises: in the current situation where the positive factors have largely been realized, if you were the market maker, what strategy might you adopt in the face of such clearing data?
1. Continue to push up, liquidate shorts
2. Reverse adjust downwards, liquidate longs
3. Oscillate around key positions to achieve dual liquidation of longs and shorts