Onyx Exploit: -

On November 1, 2023, an attacker drained $2.1 million from Onyx, a DeFi protocol, through an integer rounding vulnerability and a flash loan.

What is an integer rounding vulnerability?

An integer rounding vulnerability is a type of software bug that can occur when a computer program rounds a number from one data type to another. For example, if a program rounds a floating-point number to an integer, it may lose some precision. This can lead to unexpected results, such as the attacker being able to withdraw more funds than they are entitled to.

What is a flash loan?

A flash loan is a type of loan that can be taken out and repaid within the same block. This means that there is no risk to the lender, as the borrower must repay the loan before the block is finalized. Flash loans can be used to execute complex arbitrage and trading strategies.

How did the attacker exploit Onyx?

The attacker exploited Onyx by using an integer rounding vulnerability in the protocol's smart contracts. The attacker first took out a flash loan to borrow a large amount of cryptocurrency. Then, they used this cryptocurrency to buy a small amount of Onyx tokens. The attacker then sold the Onyx tokens back to the protocol, but the protocol rounded the price down in the attacker's favor. This allowed the attacker to withdraw more funds from the protocol than they deposited.

What can DeFi protocols do to protect themselves from this type of exploit?

DeFi protocols can protect themselves from this type of exploit by carefully auditing their smart contracts for integer rounding vulnerabilities. They can also use SafeMath libraries to help prevent integer rounding errors. Additionally, DeFi protocols should be careful about how they implement flash loans. For example, they should consider limiting the amount of cryptocurrency that can be borrowed through flash loans.

Unique insights

Here are some unique insights into the Onyx exploit:

  • The attacker used a combination of an integer rounding vulnerability and a flash loan to exploit Onyx. This is a new and sophisticated type of exploit that has not been seen before.

  • The attacker was able to drain $2.1 million from Onyx in a single transaction. This shows that attackers are capable of stealing large amounts of money from DeFi protocols.

  • The Onyx exploit is a reminder that DeFi is still a new and risky technology. DeFi protocols need to take steps to protect themselves from this type of exploit.


The Onyx exploit is a serious security incident that highlights the risks associated with DeFi. DeFi protocols need to take steps to protect themselves from integer rounding vulnerabilities and other types of exploits.

In addition to the above, here are some additional thoughts on the Onyx exploit:

  • The attacker was able to exploit the vulnerability because it was not properly audited. This is a reminder of the importance of audits for DeFi protocols.

  • The exploit was carried out using a flash loan, which is a relatively new financial tool. This shows that attackers are becoming more sophisticated and are using new tools to exploit DeFi protocols.

  • The exploit drained a significant amount of money from Onyx, which could have a negative impact on the protocol's reputation and user confidence.

DeFi protocols need to be aware of the risks involved and take steps to protect themselves from exploits. This includes auditing smart contracts, limiting the amount of cryptocurrency that can be borrowed through flash loans, and implementing other security measures.

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