Invest in what you understand. Currently, knowledge and experience about Research have been widely shared.
Take the time to learn. After Research, closely observe Volume, Chart, Information, Onchain before making decisions. Make sure you buy a coin based on your knowledge, so that continuously accumulating experience aims for you to master this field in 3 to 5 years. You can refer to others but always Research again and ask questions about why this KOL mentioned this coin. Volume, liquidity, Tokenomics, and who stands behind it are the most important things you need to understand about a coin.
Crypto fundamentally has a high volatility range; it can drop 20% today but double tomorrow. If you have decided to hold, be prepared mentally and patiently wait. In Crypto, timing is very important. If you choose the right time, you don't need too many skills. It's like starting with Crypto when BTC was at 16k just before the market hit bottom and started to Bullrun again; then all investments will be profitable.
Typically, 95% of tokens in Crypto are useless or provide very poor features that only a few people can utilize. These tokens are often controlled by whales or large organizations. Coins are often manipulated heavily.
Two times you should not trade are after having a few drinks and when waking up in the middle of the night.
Lower your expectations. Don't hope to buy the bottom and sell the top. Buy when the market is in extreme fear and leave when everyone is too FOMO. Just going too far down the slope is already a success. In the past, there was an Altcoin Season, now there is a Memecoin Season. The market changes continuously, if you decide to invest, take the time to stay updated.
To see if an Altcoin can grow, look at the Transaction and Total Values Locked of that Dapp network. If Transaction increases and Total Values Locked grows steadily, then the likelihood of the main coin of the system growing is high.
A recent example is the Sui network.
Crypto changes continuously, so we also need to continuously improve our knowledge. What we knew yesterday may no longer be true in the market today. If you want to survive and grow, you must learn and update every day. When holding, watching Tokenomics and Token Release is very important. Statistical apps may not be accurate or correct. The most accurate is to check directly on the coin's network. Following wallets is the most accurate.
Leave yourself an exit strategy. This exit strategy here is Stablecoin. No one can be sure whether that coin will rise or fall, so always keep 20-30% in Stablecoin so that if the market suddenly drops, you can still DCA.
In the financial world, there is a concept that has deeply ingrained in the minds of most investors – resistance levels.
These are the points where the price often struggles to continue rising or falling, categorized into types such as: static resistance, dynamic resistance, and resistance at round numbers.
These price levels are not just numbers on a chart; they are psychological milestones that directly influence trader behavior and decisions.
These resistance levels inadvertently become 'exit points' in the mind, triggering profit-taking behavior or determining stop-loss levels. The market does not operate based on individual feelings or beliefs.
Prices are not limited by any analysis that traders come up with. Resistance levels are just products of psychology, created only to be broken. A common mistake is to let resistance levels dictate profits.
Remember that the price does not always turn around as expected. The support or resistance points you imagine are not solid walls that prevent the market.
Try removing all indicators from your chart. When there are no distracting signals, you will start to see the market from a different perspective – where there are no limits other than your own patience and discipline.
The market is infinite, and opportunities only come to those who dare to step out of psychological barriers. Remember: Resistance is meant to be broken.
And just like the market, your profit potential is only limited if you set those limits yourself.
Wishing everyone successful trading.