La barrière de douane, ornée de symboles de taxe ou d’interdiction de l'Union européenne, est mise en avant en orange vif pour attirer l’attention. Le véhicule électrique, de style moderne et élégant, représente la Chine, avec un discret drapeau chinois ou des détails rappelant son origine.

In a new escalation of international trade tensions, China has officially filed a complaint against the European Union with the World Trade Organization (WTO). This move follows the EU's decision to impose significant customs duties, between 8% and 35%, on electric vehicles imported from China. According to the European Union, these taxes are aimed at correcting competition deemed unfair due to Chinese state subsidies. Faced with this measure, China is retaliating, and denouncing an attack on the principles of free trade. This conflict comes as the two economic powers are trying to position themselves as world leaders in ecological transition and technological innovation.

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