Are you anxious recently, friends?

I told my brothers today that I have been feeling tightness in my chest, shortness of breath, and extreme anxiety. Why?

Because financial freedom is easy to come by, everyone has gone crazy and is working day and night to make money by playing inscriptions, runes, and mining. The mainstream inscriptions have increased in value by five times or more, and new inscriptions can easily increase in value by dozens of times.

I really am dizzy from playing, I don’t want to play, but just like I can’t stop masturbating, my hand clicks on the new wallet again…

Doing investment research every day? What investment research is that? Just do whatever is popular.

I can't stop because there is no financially independent person in our community yet and my tenfold plan has not been completed.

I was thinking, why is there so much Fomo? Aren't you afraid of being buried in this wave? Aren't you afraid of risks?

I am afraid, of course I am afraid. The current situation is very similar to ICO in 2017. You can make money without any brainwork. But I clearly remember that I lost 46 bitcoins at that time and exchanged them for air.

But if you tell me not to try these new things, and just play with the leading companies and spot goods like the big guys, and just lie flat, I regret to tell you that it is impossible. The big guys have a huge foundation, and they can live on interest. You must be willing to risk a small amount for a big gain, so that you can be as calm as the big guys.

In fact, even the big guys are also doing inscriptions. If you don’t have hundreds of thousands of dollars in your assets, and you have tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of dollars in your pocket in the last one or two months, and you are still just sitting there doing nothing, or even making fun of those people who are doing inscriptions, then you are really a fool, a big fool.

In this round of market, actively participating and making a small investment for a big return is really nothing wrong with it. It is new enough, hot enough, and lasting enough, and it also gives people a second chance to get on board. It is really conscientious, and this conscience is very fair, and it is the same for every retail investor.

Moreover, all learning takes place in direct action. You only have to check Twitter, get a bunch of wallets, merge coins on various chains, try a few times, experience the high cost of sats, click in multiple windows, experience how 10u can never be finished, use scripts for a whole night and find that you have wasted a lot of money, hang out in OTC groups, transfer money and trade, or make a little money or a lot of money. These are not things you can understand just by watching and doubting.

You should feel relieved that you are still given the opportunity to acquire chips. When more professional groups of scientists, hair-pulling studios, and mine owners set their sights on this, retail investors will not even be able to get a piece of the pie.

I don't know who said this, maybe it was me.

Bitcoin has its own ecosystem, so who would want to play with other chains?

There is an old saying in China

A man of insight is a wise man

Therefore, you must try to seize this round. This may not be your last chance, but it may be your first big opportunity.

As long as it is something new on Bitcoin, you must first prepare your wallet, then see what inscriptions and runes it is, and quickly confirm whether you can "hit more". Note that now it is not a question of whether you can hit it, but whether you can hit it and how many you can hit.

For key projects and new features in the Bitcoin ecosystem, no matter how many times the price has increased, just buy some if the price is right.

Why? It’s because it’s too new. The new narrative is all about risking everything. You’re just waiting there for a mess. How capable do you have to be…

Also, take the opportunity to get to know more reliable friends, hard-working friends, share more knowledge, and help people in the same industry. These are your precious wealth.

Of course, we need to realize the cash in time. For example, in addition to some leaders on each chain, we should take advantage of this wave of madness and sell what we should sell, and pass the chips to the buyer. There are plenty of good things and there is no shortage of them.

The cryptocurrency world is so interesting. God rewards hard work. I wish everyone a prosperous new year. I will continue to look for opportunities.