
It’s quite interesting to see someone sharing a process about the #FLOKI sub-coin TOKEN hot event. You can take a look:

1. $token is a sub-coin of a certain F project. It has been preheated for several days and the contract was released in advance, which attracted everyone's attention. Everyone knew it was a battle of the gods;

2. On the evening of October 27th, Beijing time, after the on-chain pool of the coin was built, the sale was suddenly postponed. Some rumors at the time were that "the money prepared for polling has been burned, and it has not been opened yet";

3. This change caused Exchange B, which might have opened trading simultaneously, to open in advance. We call the price at place B at this time parity. Afterwards, trading was very active, but the fluctuations were within the range of several times to more than ten times;

4. Ten minutes later, transactions on the chain were opened, including both E and B. Scientist 1, despite the 20% high tax and purchase restrictions, directly raised the price 500 times from parity, followed by scientist 2 and the banana army behind were all nailed to the top of the mountain;

5. Because of this anomaly on the chain, the TOKEN in a certain B exchange that was still about 10 times above parity began to rise crazily. At this time, everyone began to deposit and buy tokens to B exchange. Some people had already started to sell, but found that the tokens were deposited. , buying and selling coins was not very smooth, and the situation was chaotic for a while;

6. The TOKEN in Exchange B has increased dozens of times since the opening time on the chain, but it is still about ten times away from the highest price on the chain. At this time, the trading in Exchange B suddenly began to go smoothly. According to later interviews, My friend AA said, "I saw that there was still more than 10 times the arbitrage space on the off-chain at that time, so I bought all the money I had at that time";

7. During the period when the market was being pulled in a certain B exchange, scientist 1 on the chain began to continuously smash the market, and the price on the chain fell smoothly. Scientist 2 and the people behind him had lost more than 70%;

8. As the price on the chain plummeted, the price in a certain B exchange also began to collapse. According to my friend BB who was interviewed later, "I made a profit of 40 times at most. I only sold it when it fell in the end, and I only sold it for more than 1 times."

9. When the dust initially settled at the first low point, the price in Exchange B and on the chain shrank from nearly a hundred times to only 1 time. The news we received was that scientist 1 on the chain made more than 5mu, and the ultimate price in Exchange B PVP has also produced several profits and losses worth tens of thousands of U levels;

10. But at this time, the shocked people chose to stop their losses or buy the bottom again, and the gears of fate have not stopped. . . Scientist 1: "I want to fight them all!"