In the bizarre world of the nightclub, Qiqi, a girl who is deeply involved in the cryptocurrency circle, stared at my phone instantly when I was looking at the K-line. Then...she kept asking me questions, which made me feel that I had no experience. I began to get impatient. Later, we had supper together and talked about her life in the cryptocurrency circle, which lasted all night.

Qiqi is a girl who wants to get rich overnight. At first, her small trial did bring some sweetness. The small profit made her more confident, as if she had seen the door to wealth and freedom opening to her.

However, the waves in the cryptocurrency circle were far stronger than she imagined. With the arrival of the 2022 bear market and several major market fluctuations, her 2-year savings, X credit card, and online D were all zeroed out. From the initial small profit to the subsequent continuous liquidation, every loss was like a heavy hammer, hitting her confidence and dream of getting rich.

After three rounds of drinking, Qiqi chose to talk. At first, her words were full of frustration and unwillingness. With the stimulation of wine, we gradually talked about speculation. I also gave her "different levels of comfort" like a warm current, warming her cold heart.

When I woke up the next day, I could feel that Qiqi began to re-examine her investment path. She realized that success is not achieved overnight, and failure is just a stepping stone on the road to success. The important thing is that she understood that the explosion is a thing of the past, how to maintain an optimistic heart, and keep a good mentality of starting from scratch.

Now Qiqi, although still struggling in the currency circle, has adjusted her mentality well (occasionally we meet). She is no longer eager for success and only makes about 2 orders a day. Gradually, she began to get better. One day she called me to find her again. When I was about to leave, she whispered to me on the pillow, "ETH will rise sharply tonight."

If you are paying attention to cryptocurrency, if you want to do better, if you take the initiative to find me, I will take you ashore, just lie down!

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