Yesterday, Hangqing repeatedly saw back and forth, and Duokong frequently switched to fight in the range, and it was still oscillating and repairing in the range overnight.

From the current daily line, three consecutive positives have been closed. Although there are signs of a short-term retracement, the bullish sentiment is strong, and the Bollinger upper rail gap remains open, further confirming the strong pattern of Duotou persimmon market. During the day, it can be treated around the range of 66800-68000, focusing on the data in the evening.

Duo near 66900-67300, look at 67800-68200

Ether synchronization is enough

#BTC突破6W8 #美股财报季来袭 #BTC能否站稳6W6 #美国大选如何影响加密产业?