There are eight iron laws in the crypto world. If you can achieve six of them, you will be the king!

The first iron rule 📈

Don’t do short-term cryptocurrency trading. Just look at the K-lines of small cycles and you will see the mystery.

The second iron rule 🚀

The power of trend is above everything else, so we should follow the trend.

The third iron rule ❌

Hold on until you make a profit and then sell. There is no need to change positions frequently.

The fourth iron rule 📋

Give up all impulses to enter the market. Trading is your plan, and the plan is your real trading. Many people ignore this point.

The fifth iron rule

Anyone's views or opinions are only for your reference. Even if you think he is very good, what he provides is only for your reference. So as an investor, you must have your own thoughtful and serious analysis.

The Sixth Iron Rule

First lock in the direction and then select the coin, then you will get twice the result with half the effort. If your direction is wrong, then you will get worse and worse.

The Seventh Iron Rule 🕳️

It is a taboo to always guess the bottom of the currency in the falling chart. You always feel that it will rebound soon, and then buy the bottom at a low level. So it is completely wrong at this time. You should learn to look at the premise to find the real stable range position of the current price, and then consider whether it is worth entering the market after it is truly stable.

The Eighth Iron Rule

After a big loss or a big profit, you must learn to short your position, re-examine the market and yourself, understand the reasons for the big profit or loss, and then take action.

Conclusion 🎉

Well, let me leave you with one last word: Thank yourself for loving learning.