CoinVoice has recently learned that Tomo has officially released a new version of the multi-chain Telegram wallet and launched the first red envelope social function. Users can use the Tomo wallet directly in Telegram to conduct cross-chain transactions, top up and withdraw, and stake Bitcoin. They can also send red envelopes to friends or airdrop tokens to the community.

Currently, Tomo Telegram Wallet supports multiple public chains including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Solana, TON, Tron, BNB Smart Chain, Arbitrum, Base, Blast, Avalanche, Polygon, Scroll, Optimism, Linea and B3, and the supported networks are still expanding.

Ryan Fang, founder of Tomo Wallet, said: “Telegram provides the freedom to communicate to nearly 1 billion users. Now with Tomo Telegram Wallet, we will provide these users with the freedom to transact.” [Original link]