No one cares about AI Bot, but the world knows about it when its market value exceeds 100 million.

That’s right, it is the Meme coin $GOAT independently released by AI Bot that has become the “golden dog” in recent times.

As of now, GOAT’s market value has reached 150 million US dollars, and its price has soared nearly 70 times in just four days, making it a big winner in recent times. Astute crypto players know, the market’s inertia is “one hot trend leads to a hundred hot trends”, and projects that take advantage of the popularity and create imitations are coming one after another. However, GOAT’s popularity is not just accidental. AI Bot’s self-release of Meme coins, a seemingly unmanned and sci-fi new way of playing, may be becoming a representative of a new narrative.


GOAT didn’t become famous overnight

The meme market always follows the logic of "it makes sense only if it goes up". The sudden popularity of GOAT has triggered widespread discussion about AI Bot issuing coins, but in fact, as early as three months ago, AI Bot, the truth terminal behind GOAT, had already talked to itself on Twitter about issuing meme coins.


Why didn’t other AGI (AI generated content) coins take off at that time? GOAT’s success is not isolated, its growth and the current market environment have jointly created this phenomenon.

From the perspective of the project itself, GOAT is not a simple accidental product. Its developer @AndyAyrey revealed on Twitter yesterday that GOAT was gradually formed after a lot of training and theoretical support through the AI ​​tool Claude-3 Opus. The AI ​​Bot eventually produced this result naturally through self-exploration.


The market not only pays for GOAT, but also for the model of AI issuing Meme coins. Andy pointed out that the conversations between AIs are the "hotbed" for the spread of Meme viruses. From the mainstream of tokens issued by project parties and communities to the current automatic issuance of Meme coins by AI, this represents the progress and innovation of the times.

How did AI-generated memes become the new “narrative correctness”?

The popularity of AI Meme Coin appears to be a combination of technology and entertainment, but in fact it is the result of the accumulation of overall market sentiment.

When all the unpopular animals in the zoo have been hyped up, from cats and dogs to hippos, and even the slogans and names of political elections have been squeezed dry, and even Ma Yilong's social updates have become a PVP battlefield, the market urgently needs new narratives to ignite buying enthusiasm.

The primary market suffered heavy losses, and there were no buyers in the secondary market. For VCs, participating in Meme coins is no longer a "low-end game", especially when Meme coins have some AI technology halo, it is easier to attract capital layout that pursues "elite temperament". VCs need to invest in things that seem to be "founded", and AI Meme coins just meet the requirements.

What is still missing on the supply side of the market?

Coin issuers have keenly discovered that AI issuing memes is a form of "marginal wandering" and may even bypass US regulation - "This coin was issued by AI, I did not intervene." This way of "avoiding responsibility" has given the market room for innovative operations.


In addition, AI traffic will also bring about a natural "vote-buying mechanism". Multiple coins with the same name may emerge in the community. AI Bot decides on an "orthodox" coin, and the others are eliminated by the market. This is also a new narrative mode in itself.

The rise of AI Meme Coin is not only an innovation brought by technology, but also a natural evolution of the market under the existing narrative framework. It has ignited the imagination of retail investors, VCs, and coin issuers, and has become a phenomenon of "narrative correctness" in the current market environment.

Imitations are prevalent, and it is difficult to produce a second-rate product: GOAT's popularity has triggered a wave of imitations

As GOAT became popular, different AI Meme plates have sprung up, but none of them can match GOAT yet.

1. SHEGEN: Initiated by another Bot @aiwdaddyissues recognized by Andy Ayrey, the founder of Truth Terminal, the official token is SHEGEN.


2. Medusa: Issued by the bad mood AI Bot @BrokenEmoAI, it claims to lead the Meme movement. The token is named Medusa.


3. Lily: The old meme coin Lily made a comeback with the help of GOAT’s popularity, and once increased by more than 100 times in a single day, but its popularity has now subsided.

4. Child AI: An AI Bot that a16z partner Marc Andreessen once paid attention to. Its token is Child AI. Although it is not as popular as GOAT, it also has certain fluctuations.


Although these imitations emerge one after another, there is still no "second dragon" in the market that can challenge the GOAT status, and the leading effect is still obvious.

That’s all for today’s article. We are currently in a bull market, and things are turbulent. We share passwords every day.

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