Why is bitcoin valuable?

According to #WIKIPEDIA, #Bitcoin is a product considered gold 2.0. Because in addition to its money-like characteristics, the birth of Bitcoin is also an overcoming of the disadvantages of money to become the most valuable and popular asset in recent years.

🌈So what advantages have created a position for Bitcoin (BTC) today?

📮No central bank and no inflation: Avoid inflation when the central bank prints money for financial institutions and corporations to borrow when they make losses. For example, in 1986, Vietnam's base currency was 55 billion VND, but in 2016, this amount of money was 726,559 billion VND.

💢No need to transact through intermediary channels: Minimize banking costs and intermediary financial channels. Trade at any time, including holidays. No one has the right to freeze accounts or stop transactions.

It is almost impossible to create Bitcoin yourself, but it is possible to mine Bitcoin - an important characteristic of gold.

🔥 Cannot be faked. The cost of testing the quality of gold is very high, while testing Bitcoin does not cost anything.

Currencies can be divided into almost limitless amounts, making precise payments very easy.

There is less danger for stores that accept Bitcoin transactions because transactions cannot be charged back.

💌Protect the environment when you don't have to produce cash. The computer system that processes Bitcoin transactions uses much less electricity than the current financial system.

🤟It is a smart currency: Able to program into each satoshi the purpose of spending money or activate itself with smart contracts to avoid corruption or fraud.