According to TechFlow, on October 9, Forbes reported that artificial intelligence company OpenAI filed a motion with the California federal court to dismiss the federal lawsuit filed by Elon Musk two months ago. OpenAI called Musk's lawsuit an act of harassment aimed at enhancing the status of its own artificial intelligence startup xAI.

OpenAI stated in its application that Musk's lawsuit is the latest move in his "increasingly raucous harassment" aimed at gaining a competitive advantage. Musk once supported OpenAI's core goal of "safely and beneficially developing general artificial intelligence", but abandoned the cause after failing to lead the company, subsequently founded his own artificial intelligence company xAI, and is now trying to use the judicial system to gain a competitive advantage in the field of artificial intelligence.

OpenAI claims that the core documents and facts in Musk's federal lawsuit are the same as those in his previous lawsuit filed in state court, which was abandoned by Musk in June 2024. OpenAI believes that Musk's lawsuit is a public relations stunt that contains contract and trust claims that he cannot defend in state court, as well as theories of fraud and false advertising that cannot identify specific misrepresentations.

Musk initially accused OpenAI of abandoning its founding mission of an open AI platform "for the benefit of humanity" in favor of maximizing profits. As of press time, Musk has not yet responded to OpenAI's motion to dismiss.