The reincarnation of the bull market: cold thinking behind the surge

Looking back at every bull market, it always presents an exciting but sighing picture. From the initial surge to the final deep adjustment, there are changes in investment mentality full of hope, anxiety and helplessness. From a professional perspective, the bull market is part of the market cycle, and only calmness and rationality can help you steadily cross the market's storms.

The first stage: surge and optimism

In the early stage of the bull market, investors are always excited by the rapid surge. Stimulated by the soaring stock prices, people continue to increase their investment, and even borrow money to speculate in stocks, as if wealth is just in front of them.

The second stage: national enthusiasm

As the bull market spreads further, the overwhelming reports of the news media make everyone believe that they can also become stock gods. When market sentiment is at its peak, risks are often ignored, and trading volume continues to soar, as if wealth is gained without work.

The third stage: differentiation and volatility

But no bull market is smooth sailing. As the market reaches a high point, volatility and differentiation begin to appear. The decline of some stocks makes investors uneasy, and changes in policy direction make the market more unpredictable.

Stage 4: Panic and Selling

When the market receives unfavorable news, panic spreads rapidly. Many investors begin to sell in panic, and the confidence they once had turns into uneasiness, and the market falls into a deep adjustment. Those who chase the hope of a bull market have to face the losses in reality. Stage 5: Calmness and Reflection

As time goes by, the market gradually returns to rationality. Experts begin to re-analyze, and investors also begin to reflect on their decisions. The bull market is like a dream. Only by keeping rationality can we calmly deal with it in the next market cycle.

Rationally Crossing Bull Market Fluctuations

The rise and fall of the bull market is part of the natural law of the market. If you want to be invincible in such a cycle, rational investment is essential. Just as every bull market ends, it is always accompanied by profound reflection and lessons. Only by making long-term plans and insisting on calm analysis can we seize the opportunity when the next bull market comes, instead of falling into the dreamy icon of chasing ups and downs again. The market is unpredictable, but the investment mentality must be firm.