Rune Ecosystem Boom! Total market value exceeds 1 billion US dollars, DOG and PUPS lead the trend!

According to GeniiData data, the total market value of Rune Ecosystem has exceeded 1 billion US dollars, reaching 1.04 billion US dollars. In this booming market, there are only two major projects-DOG•GO•TO•THE•MOON and PUPS•WORLD•PEACE, with market values ​​of 394.81 million US dollars and 140.39 million US dollars respectively, accounting for more than 50% of the total market value. This data not only highlights the strong performance of DOG and PUPS, but also reflects the high attention of investors to the Rune Ecosystem.

With the development of the Rune Ecosystem, more high-quality projects may emerge, which is worthy of investors' attention and expectations.

In this market full of opportunities, seizing every shining point of Rune will add infinite possibilities to your investment path!

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