Tuesday, Bitcoin and Ethereum, operation ideas!

When others are playing, you are moving bricks, and when others are moving bricks, you are still moving bricks. To put it nicely, this is called diligence. To put it bluntly, it is just one word, poor! Haha!

Today, the stock market is a joy for all the people. There is no surprise. The Shanghai Stock Exchange opened at the daily limit price, and the index also came to the 3600 line. In just 5 trading days, the 2-year bull market has ended.

Many people asked Ultraman what to buy next. Let me give you a direction first: net profit, it must be below market value management, the next wave of opportunities for catch-up growth, especially in central enterprises and state-owned enterprises. Looking back and correcting, this direction should be the focus of the next wave.

In terms of Bitcoin, almost all eyes have been on A-shares in a week. The market has become much calmer, and the price has been fluctuating around the 64,500 to 61,500 range. Yesterday, it was bullish all the way to realize the space. But it failed to stabilize and fell back in the second half of the night, which is still a pity.

Today, it is a shock. Although from the perspective of form, it has not broken the shock range, but the sideways time is too long, which is not good for the long side. Today is the second trading day after the non-agricultural data. Whether it can continue is the key. With the blessing of the Yinxian effect, the short-term technical structure still falls into the Yin-Yang cutting. Treat it as a shock first and follow the short-term run! Pressure 64600, support 61500.

Tuesday operation strategy

Pie, 61500 area Zuoduo, 63600 area Zuokong

Ether, 2500 area Kong, 2380 area Zuoduo.

There is a time for short-term shocks. The strategy is dead and the person is alive. Our real market is running randomly in this shock. That's all. Wisdom = roots. I wish you all the best and happy trading! $BTC $ETH $BNB #非农人数大幅升温 #加密市场反弹 #HBO纪录片或揭示中本聪身份 #大A香还是大饼香 #美SEC对Ripple案裁决提出上诉 726506140 42