💥 Which of the four trading strategies do you prefer? If you choose the right one, your investment will be half successful! 🎯

1️⃣ Low leverage: Steady anti-explosion💼

👉 Zero leverage or "safe leverage" operation, such as BTC opening 2x and ETH opening 1.5x, so there is almost no risk of liquidation. 📉✨

🧐 The advantage of this strategy is: not seeking to get rich overnight, but seeking to win in a stable way! High leverage does make money quickly, but the "rooftop scenery" is faster-between the surge and plunge, you may not even have time to react to the loss! ⚠️

💡 Suitable for: Investors who like steady growth and do not want to be swayed by emotions.

2️⃣ Trend faction: bull-bear strategy 🐂🐻

👉 Buy on dips in a bull market, and slowly hoard in a bear market. Every 20% or so pullback in a bull market is an excellent opportunity, and seizing it is doubling your profits! 📈💰In a bear market, you can only accumulate patiently and wait for opportunities. You know, time is the strongest compound interest magic weapon! ⏳

🕵️ What stage are we in now? I think we are still at the end of the bull market. Although the volatility is large, there are still good opportunities to grasp!

💡 Suitable for: Investors who are patient, can distinguish the overall situation, and are not in a hurry for success.

3️⃣ Stop loss faction: rational pursuit 📉⛔

👉 Stop loss in time, don't hold orders! Set a stop loss point for yourself. It doesn't matter if you lose a little. Wait for the next opportunity! 🚫

🚨 Why? Because once you hold an order, you will miss a lot of trading opportunities later and earn too much less if you wait for a month at the shortest and a quarter at the longest! 💸 Remember: opportunity cost is also a cost!

💡 Suitable for: Investors who are rational and calm, not easily swayed by emotions, and good at seizing multiple opportunities.

4️⃣ Mainstream currency players: Don’t touch “poisonous weeds”🚀❌

👉 Only play mainstream coins, don’t touch copycats! Copycat coins are indeed very tempting to rise, and a round of surge may be several times or even dozens of times, but this means high risk and uncertainty! 🔗

😱 In case of a crash, there is no chance to turn back. What about mainstream coins? They rise slowly, but fortunately, the logic is clear and the news is wide. After sufficient analysis, the judgment is accurate, and the mentality is naturally more stable! 💪

💡 Suitable for: Investors who pursue long-term value and like data analysis.

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