Bitcoin (BTC) has always been the leader in the cryptocurrency market, but recently, people have begun to notice a series of tokens and protocols in its ecosystem, which together form the concept of "BTC ecological tokens". This emerging field includes brc20 tokens and various derivative 20-type meta protocols, taro assets on the lightning network, various tokens on RGB supported by Bitfinex, and sidechain assets that may appear in the future. This conjecture shows that BTC ecological tokens are expected to become a new hot sector for major exchanges.

The Bitcoin ecosystem is no longer limited to Bitcoin itself. Now, there are many tokens and protocols that are built on top of Bitcoin or interact with Bitcoin. These tokens and the protocols associated with them form part of the BTC ecological token. The diversity of this ecosystem has brought new vitality to the cryptocurrency market. Let's pay attention to the ETCS project of Bitcoin brc-20.

#etcs $BTC