#Arb #Op $ETH According to timbeiko.eth’s summary of yesterday’s ACDE, almost all clients except Prysm Ethereum Client have been tested on Devnet #12 . Multiple clients including Reth and Lighthouse have also been discovered and repaired Got some errors. The Prysm Ethereum Client development team is currently continuing work on blob caching and validation and is expected to join Devnet#12in the next week or two.

The most important part of yesterday’s meeting was that the developers said they were ready for the fork upgrade of the testnet and planned to conduct a large-scale Goerli shadow fork in the next few weeks. If all goes well, the developers expect to set a fork date for the Goerli testnet in early 2024, with plans to activate the Dencun upgrade on the network in January.​

Goerli is currently the test network with the second largest number of nodes after the main network. Therefore, activating Dencun on this network also means that the Cancun upgrade that Layer 2 has been waiting for has made a qualitative breakthrough in progress. It is still close to the official launch of the upgrade to the main network. It's getting closer.

January upgrade! Come on💪💪💪💪