BlockBeats news, October 1, Federal Reserve Chairman Powell still believes that the US economy will achieve a soft landing. Powell said on Monday that the rate cut process will be further "readjusted" based on the upcoming economic data. He said: "By appropriately adjusting our policy stance, the labor market can remain resilient in an environment of moderate economic growth and inflation continuing to fall back to the target. Overall, the economy is in good shape and we intend to use our tools to maintain this situation."

Powell said that if the economy continues to develop along its current track, he expects two more 25 basis point rate cuts this year, and the market has been betting on a more aggressive rate cut cycle. The labor market remains solid, but "it has indeed cooled down." It is not believed that the labor market needs to cool down further. Policy lag effects must be considered in interest rate decisions. The Fed is adjusting its policies to maintain a strong economy, rather than adjusting because of economic weakness. The Fed made the right decision in maintaining high interest rates, hoping to ensure that inflation will fall. The half-percentage point rate cut in September reflects confidence in the return of inflation to 2%. "After Fed Chairman Powell's speech, traders lowered their bets on the overall extent of the Fed's interest rate cuts. (Jinshi)