We discussed a topic in the Juzuo community tonight, and I found it quite interesting, so I wrote an article to share it.
It all started when someone in the group asked, besides the Little Red Book, are there any other books worth recommending?


Ju Zuo saw that the recommended book was about Japanese candlestick charts, which was an introductory book on K-line trading. So he asked: Is it too late to start reading this now?
I don’t know what you think, but I think it’s too late.
There are three main reasons.
First, times have changed, this is the main reason.
In the past, when the industry was not regulated, the currency value was very volatile. Even if you were a rookie at that time, you are now a veteran in the industry and at least you have some chips in your hands.
Now that industry volatility has declined, if you want to play bigger, you can only use contracts - because volatility is low, if you want to expand your profits, you can only increase leverage.
You also understand the risks of leverage.
To put it bluntly, the bonus of the era of speculating in cryptocurrencies with a small investment and a big return no longer exists. No matter how skilled you are, if the bonus is gone, it is gone. You can only play contracts. Didn’t the monk reveal that he lost more than 40 million these days, which attracted quite a lot of attention?


Ju Zuo can say that if the monk had entered the circle a few years earlier, he might be living a very comfortable life now.

I’ll write a separate article about the monk later, it’s quite valuable.

You have to know that his trading skills are pretty good.

But they were still killed by the market without leaving a single piece of armor.

Compared with him, are you stronger in capital, technology, or information?


Second, if one has the principles but not the skills, one can still seek the skills; if one has the skills but not the principles, one will only be limited to the skills.

This is also a very important underlying logic. Many newcomers think they are so awesome and can kill everyone after entering the circle, but they end up being killed miserably.

He doesn't understand history, macroeconomics, economic laws, or trading rules. He knows nothing and just stares at the K-line every day.

When you make a little money with your mediocre skills, you think you are awesome - and then you really are awesome.

Later, group members asked Ju Zuo to recommend a few books, so he recommended the books by Ray Dalio and Taleb.


Let me reiterate here that it is not wrong to trade, but you need to understand whether this thing is suitable for you. There are many ways to make money in this world, but which one you are suitable for and which one you can handle is different for each person.

If you want to trade, the better traders I know don’t just read trading books. Instead, they read a wide range of books, because only in this way can they gain more dimensional knowledge, and then absorb and internalize it into their own trading system, rather than just reading a few books and learning K-line trading and then being able to dominate the world.

Just like you think why Ju Zuo is bad at cryptocurrency trading but knows a lot about the cryptocurrency circle?

That’s because I am not only witnessing the development of the industry, but also looking at many things outside the industry. Only with comparison and reference can you know what level you are at and where you are.

Just like what Ju Zuo said a few years ago: Only when you look at the cryptocurrency circle from outside the cryptocurrency circle can you know what the current cryptocurrency circle needs.

People cannot blindly pursue techniques, because the end of techniques is the beginning of Tao.

But most people have the skills but not the principles, and they only use the skills.

Third, everyone has his or her own way, and trading is not the only way.

Perhaps for many people, the most common story they come across is about people getting rich by speculating in cryptocurrencies.

Maybe for many people, cryptocurrency trading is the easiest and most direct way to enter the cryptocurrency world.


But if you observe carefully, you will find that the industry's wealth is definitely not concentrated only in the secondary market.

Just like the DeFi summer a few years ago, on-chain returns and primary market returns were much higher than secondary returns.

You can make money by running a wallet, you can make money by running an exchange, you can make money by running an institution, you can make money by incubating, you can make money by running the media, you can make money by being a kol, and even you can make a lot of money by being a pimp.

As for what you want to do, that is your own path.


After losing several million, Ju Zuo found that he was not suitable for cryptocurrency trading, and then began to transform himself - never trade cryptocurrency again, just hoard it.

Since the ultimate goal is to make money, why choose the path that is least suitable for you and the most difficult?

The money in the cryptocurrency world comes from the wind. If you find it too tiring to make money, there must be something wrong with your approach.

By the same token, if you find it hard and painful to make money, it also means that there is something wrong with the way you are making money currently, and the upper limit of this thing is very low.

Just like I made seven figures this month, I am really worried, but do you say I am tired? Actually, not really. I am just constantly following up and solving problems.

This is the truth that those who work with their minds rule others, and those who work with their hands are ruled by others.

Finally, I have summarized a situation and shared it with you. You can check if this applies to you and see whether you want to join a religion or believe in God.


Now many investors find that the returns after some investment are not as good as if they just bought and did nothing.

The reason why we keep struggling is actually because we don’t have enough faith.

He heard others say that one must have faith, but he didn't know why he should have faith - because if you don't believe, you are not a believer, and if you are not a believer, you naturally cannot enjoy the benefits of believers. Even if there is a god, it will not help people without faith.

If you look specifically at Islam, you will understand how it wins people's hearts.

But the Chinese are so used to making deals with God that it is really hard for them to believe in anything.

Maybe this is everyone's different destiny.


I am Ju Zuo, a man who focuses on recovering cryptocurrency assets and helping you get rich.

Two years ago, we made a web3 terminology dictionary for paying students, named the Little Red Book, which includes hundreds of definitions and application scenarios of professional terms. Now I give it to you for free.

Send me a private message to receive the electronic version of the Red Book of the Cryptocurrency Circle for free.
