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Know Your Currency

Information about HIGH Digital Currency 2024Last update: 18.12.202104.202 1 minute

HIGH Digital Currency

HIGH Digital Currency – is a Highstreet currency that Shopify creates for the gaming experience for brands, where they can seamlessly exist in the world of MMORPGs.

HIGH Digital Currency Project

For gamers, it plays like all your childhood favorites, from Maplestory to World of Warcraft, except every in-game item and storefront is tokenized and is a real product with a real brand.

Through direct integration with existing e-commerce systems, gamers purchase phygital products to use in-game but also have the option to redeem items in real life.

Highstreet was born out of LumiereVR, a computer vision-based retail company founded in 2015. The team has built a commerce-based metaverse over the years by assembling components created by various household names from brands like Hershey’s Chocolate to Victoria Secrets, and larger groups like L’Oreal to Madison Square Garden as well.