How to expand the small capital trading in the currency circle?

The only way is to do intraday swing trading, and the orders cannot be overnight.

Trading is to seek the maximum return. How can we not be greedy and not work one day to make money like working a part-time job.

The core of the problem is how to ensure that the transaction does not get too excited, does not suffer huge losses, and protects the principal. There are endless trading opportunities and risks. As long as the principal is always there, you can continue to make money.

Any industry is the 28 or 19 law, and only a few people can make money.

Ordinary people are destined to be harvested. It is better to control their own destiny than to be harvested by others.

The circle is even more cruel. 0.1% of people make 99.9% of the money in the market.

If you are not focused and professional enough, and do not have a good trading model, why can you come to share a piece and make money?

This is a place to create miracles, but also a place to bury people's bones.

The 100-fold leverage makes people crazy, and the unlimited trading time is even more obsessed.

This is a paradise for speculators and a hell for gamblers.

This road is not easy to walk, and you may not get any reward even if you keep going. But once there is a result, you will find that all your previous persistence is worth it.

#skl #NOT还会上涨吗 #pepe能不能拿 #SHIBA🚀