On October 19th, the pie rose above 29,000 yesterday, and then fell back to where it was. The pie has been inserting pins up and down recently to kill people. If you can move as little as possible, watch as much as possible. Will it fall off a cliff in the next week? Guillotine Bitcoin, it will reach 30,000. People who are chasing bulls will definitely not be able to get out of their traps easily. Don’t blindly chase bulls. This is not a bull market, it will be a calf at best. If it rises hard, it will fall hard. The hard it falls, the rebound will be hard. I hope everyone Understand this meaning, control your desires and don’t let the market take away your mentality.

BTC supports 28030-27630 and pressure is 28430-28730. Use low times and high altitude bands to stop the loss. In the short term, you should also use short and long bands to stop the loss at the support level.

Ether is still weak, and the injections are harder than the big pie. Recently, if the ether wants to do it, it is mainly low, low, low, long and high. Try your best to control your hands and watch more and move less. The support is 1540-1520, and the pressure is 1573- 1593

This market requires our awe. Now is the moment that requires faith. It is also the dark moment before dawn. Everyone, hold on. Even if you don’t look further now, you must keep the bullets in your hands and you will hit the target with one hit. Accumulate and accumulate, you must ensure that the next Everyone is cheering for the bull market! ! ! #掟戛