According to TechFlow, on September 25, the Telegram trading robot Banana Gun released an update on the attack. The targets were smart traders and cryptocurrency veterans, all of whom were "well-known" in the industry. After a thorough investigation by the Banana Gun development team and external experts, it was found that the Telegram message oracle used by Banana Gun had a potential vulnerability, which may have led to the attack. A total of 11 users were affected, with a loss of $3 million. All affected users will be fully compensated by the Banana Gun Treasury, and no compensation will be made by selling tokens. All affected users will receive a full refund from the Banana Gun Treasury, and no tokens will be sold to repay. At present, its EVM and Solana robots are back online, with no restrictions except for a 2-hour transfer delay.
According to previous news, the Banana Gun wallet was suspected of having a security vulnerability, and many users reported that their wallets were emptied without authorization.