The rules of the currency circle are to make money in the fourth quarter and the first quarter, and generally lose money in the second and third quarters. Moreover, most of the money earned in the fourth quarter and the first quarter will be lost in the second and third quarters. The best operation in the future is: enter the spot market in the fourth quarter and the first quarter, buy on dips, leave the spot market in the second and third quarters, and short the contract at a high level. The current key pressure level is 65,000, and it needs to accumulate momentum to rush several times before it can break through and stabilize. Once it breaks through, it means that this round of adjustment is over and the market will completely reverse. Keep the spot currency, don't speculate on the band, the pattern is mainly low-long contracts, not high-short, dare to do more #美联储宣布降息50个基点 #BNBChain与Telegram集成