If we are stuck, how can we get out of it?

Wrongly chasing the rise: If you blindly buy when the price of B is high, you should decisively take selling measures to ensure the safety of your assets. The market is always full of opportunities. As long as you seize the next opportunity, you may be able to double your assets.

Weak performance of the currency you hold: If the digital currency in your hand continues to fall, you should pay close attention to market dynamics and look for B with the potential to rise to replace it. Offset the previous losses with new gains.

Deeply stuck and the market continues to decline: In this case, you can consider selling part of it first and then buying it back when the price is lower to reduce the overall holding cost and wait for the opportunity for the market to rebound.

By adopting these active strategies, you can better deal with the situation of being stuck, so as to manage your assets more effectively.

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