PANews reported on September 21 that at the "Growth Hacker Camp" event co-organized by BeWater and PANews, SevenX Ventures FC delivered a keynote speech entitled "Amplify Your Impact: Personal Branding and Growth for Unleashing Full Potential". Combining his personal brand growth experience, he explained from the perspectives of personal brand definition, how to position oneself, personal brand realization, and social media content methodology that personal brand is the coordinate system of each person among 7 billion people. In the past, personal brands were defined by the media, but today, personal brands are defined by self-media. In the "positioning yourself" session, he said that there is positioning only when there is competition in the industry. In the red ocean market, you need to find differences and segment, and then achieve personal brand growth through content and channels.

Regarding content, FC first said that content needs to find its own audience and needs. The more to the left the needs are, the wider the audience, the greater the traffic, and the lower the commercial conversion; the more to the right and vertical, the easier it is to convert. Therefore, it is necessary to choose traffic, monetization, and persona according to the purpose of the content. The purpose of persona portrait is to turn the user into a person, to feel what he likes, hates, and is anxious about, to talk to him, and to let him ask you for answers. Then, FC introduced how to find content hot spots and the content format and promotion timing suitable for social media, and suggested that people who do growth must understand the underlying algorithms and rules of the platform.