Morning strategy

Yesterday, we reminded the market to pay attention to the trend of US stocks. Last night, Bitcoin rose to 64,000 and Ethereum to 2,500, which just reached the range we predicted.

News: Bank of America expects the US to cut interest rates by 75 basis points in the fourth quarter and another 125 basis points in 2025

Technical trend Bitcoin daily K-line KDJ shows signs of turning downward, but MACD is still strong. The four-hour trend KDJ has formed a dead cross, indicating that it has begun to decline.

At this time, we must have a rebellious mentality, that is, to prevent Bitcoin from falling sharply at any time.

The trend of Ethereum is similar to Bitcoin.

Bitcoin sees 65,000 above and 61,500 below

Ethereum sees 2,600 above and 2,350 below