**Chongqing police cracked a virtual currency theft case involving 400,000 yuan! **

Hello everyone! Today we are going to talk about a virtual currency theft case that happened in Chongqing. It is as exciting as a movie plot! 🎬

**Case background**

On September 19, BlockBeats reported that the Liangjiang New District Branch of the Chongqing Public Security Bureau successfully cracked a virtual currency theft case involving about 400,000 yuan. The case began at the end of June 2024, when the Tiangongdian Police Station of the Liangjiang New District Branch received a report from a technology company in the jurisdiction, saying that more than 2.6 million BLAST tokens were stolen from the company's account.

**Case cracking**

The police quickly locked and arrested the suspects Yang, Wu, and Sheng by analyzing the transaction path and capital flow. Surprisingly, the three suspects were all former employees of the technology company! They took advantage of their positions to implant malicious code into the company's computers and stole the company's virtual wallet address and private key password.

**Criminal process**

On the evening of June 26, when the company's virtual wallet received the official BLAST tokens, the suspect immediately transferred the tokens to the pre-prepared wallet, and then cashed out and divided the loot. It can be said that this series of operations was really "smooth", but in the end it was still difficult to escape the law. At present, the three suspects have been approved for arrest by the procuratorate for suspected theft, and the case is under further investigation.

**Views and Discussions**

This case once again reminds us that the security of virtual currency cannot be ignored. Both individuals and enterprises should strengthen the protection measures for virtual assets. For enterprises, the management and technical protection of internal employees are equally important.

What do you think of this case? How do you think virtual currency assets can be better protected? Welcome to share your views and suggestions in the comment area! 💬


In general, this case not only demonstrates the efficient case-handling ability of the police, but also rings a wake-up call for us. Although virtual currency brings many conveniences, it also comes with risks. I hope that while enjoying the convenience brought by technology, everyone should also be vigilant and protect their virtual assets.

Well, that’s all for today’s news. Please remember to interact with us in the comments section! We look forward to hearing from you!