Here are some important tips to follow after the launch of the Hamster token on September 26th to help you avoid losses:

1. **Don’t Rush to Sell**: After the token launches, avoid the temptation to sell immediately. Many tokens tend to increase in value within the first 2-3 days post-launch. It's better to watch the market closely and make informed decisions instead of reacting impulsively.

2. **Avoid Selling to Individuals**: Always use reputable exchanges for selling your tokens. Selling directly to individuals can increase your risk of scams or fraudulent transactions. Exchanges provide a safer way to ensure you get the correct value for your tokens.

3. **Think Long-Term**: Hamster token could see significant growth in the future due to its potential virality. Holding your tokens as a long-term investment might bring better returns as the project evolves and gains more traction.

4. **Be Cautious with KYC and Addresses**: When going through the KYC process, make sure all your information is accurate. Errors in KYC could lead to delays or lost access to your tokens. Also, double-check the addresses and memos when transacting, as mistakes could lead to your tokens being sent to the wrong place, making them unrecoverable.




