Trading Guide for Newbies in Cryptocurrency Circle: The Secret Code Helps You Start Steadily

For investors who have just entered the cryptocurrency circle, mastering the secret code is the key to avoiding risks and seizing opportunities. Remember: "Buy low and avoid chasing high in sideways trading, and sell in a smart way when the market is busy"; small steps upwards show stability, and excessive continuous increases require vigilance. In addition, "seek support after a high fall, and be cautious when a deep pit is not found"; retreat quickly at the top of the main rising wave, and don't panic when the market falls sharply. Pay attention to "volume and price coordination determines the trend, and decisive action is taken when the breakthrough is key"; the daily and monthly line charts contain mysteries, and follow the main force's position building trend. Finally, "there are tricks hidden in the attack without volume, and the trap of luring more needs to be identified"; the new low of shrinking volume may be the bottom, and the incremental recovery is just in time. Mastering these secret codes, novices can also take every step carefully and move forward steadily in the cryptocurrency circle. #token2049