Ethereum founder Buterin: Crypto is now entering a new era

One of the important speakers of the TOKEN2049 conference, which started today in Singapore, was Vitalik Buterin. The founder of Ethereum said that Bitcoin has existed for 15 years and Ethereum for 10 years, and with artificial intelligence developments, the crypto world has now left its infancy. Buterin, "Are we still early? I don't think so. Crypto is now entering a new era where everyone is starting to use it," he said.

One of the heavyweights of the TOKEN2049 conference held in Singapore and attended by many important names was Vitalik Buterin. With hundreds of people listening to on stage, Buterin has touched on many topics, from now falling transaction fees to zero levels in Ethereum to reduced approval periods and the general trend of the cryptocurrency world.

“From 10 dollars to 0 dollars...”

Touching on the importance of 2nd layer projects, especially known as L2s, Buterin emphasized the decrease in transaction fees:

“Transaction fees, which used to be between $10 and $1, have now fallen to 0.01, that is, to zero. Arbitrum and Optimism have also exceeded significant security levels. Now rollups are both safe and people can pay easily. With Merge, the average waiting time has also halved. These days, I can confirm my transactions in 5-10 seconds”

"Now the new era is being entered"

Stating that the crypto world is no longer in its infancy, Buterin used the following statements:

“Bitcoin has been around 15 and Ethereum has been around for 10 years. Products like ChatGPT have completely changed our perspective on artificial intelligence. Nothing is the same anymore. So do you think we are still in the early period? I think we're not. We are now entering a new era in crypto. It will be a period when people easily use crypto.”