1. Snowden’s Token2049 speech: New challenges to freedom of speech

On September 18, 2024, Edward Snowden, who had exposed the "Prism Gate" incident, delivered a speech entitled "The Next Threat to Speech" at the Token2049 Blockchain Industry Conference. He pointed out that although the world has undergone earth-shaking changes, the invasion of citizens' privacy by intelligence agencies has not decreased, but has become more covert and extensive with the development of technology. Large-scale surveillance has become a reality. However, this is also the uniqueness and power of encryption technology, especially Bitcoin. It is a system designed from the worst possible situation to avoid inevitable results. Golden Finance has organized the content of Snowden's speech as follows for readers. Click to read

2. Pre-mining and decentralization: What Fractal brings us

The recently popular Bitcoin expansion solution Fractal broke through the $6 billion full circulation market value on the day of its listing, while it took Bitcoin nearly 5 years to achieve this achievement. This gives us a new perspective to think about the project launch mechanism. The market value of POW projects fluctuates dramatically with the recognition of the projects, while the market value of POW+pre-mining mixed projects is expected at the time of listing. This has triggered a series of thoughts. Will pre-mining lead to insufficient decentralization when the protocol is launched, and further affect its ecological development and mining return expectations? How to balance ecological community incentives and decentralization? Click to read

3. Vitalik Token2049 speech: What excites me about Ethereum in the next ten years (with PPT)

As people often say, we are still in the early stages of blockchain development. Right now, we are still building the infrastructure, and this is a big experiment. We are in the early stages of crypto technology being truly usable.

You have to ask the question: Are we really in the early stages? I don’t think we are in the early stages of the cryptocurrency industry, but we are in the early stages of cryptocurrency being truly usable.

4. Subprime AI crisis: Crypto x AI needs to be rethought

If you are paying attention to AI in the crypto industry or traditional Internet, you need to think seriously about the future of this industry. The article is quite long, if you don’t have patience, you can leave immediately. Click to read

5. What are the pain points in the development of BTCFi L2/L1? Why is it necessary to enhance the contract capabilities through soft-fork?

UTXO itself is a disruptive architecture. Disruption means difficulty in understanding and building, which will hinder the development of the ecosystem and make it difficult to produce a landscape of "masterpiece explosion". But as long as time is long enough, anything that grows on a new "digital terrain" will have a strong local color, such as the cash-like properties of UTXO assets that are completely different from ERC20, client side validation, UTXO sharing protocol, etc. Bitcoin's own status is also sufficient to support the growth of an independent ecosystem. Therefore, I think it is only a matter of time before more masterpieces emerge, and the flexibility provided by L2 will accelerate this process. Click to read