On September 18, Edward Snowden, the whistleblower of the "Prism Gate", gave a video speech at Token2049. He said: The last time I came to Singapore was in 2009. 15 years have passed, and many things have changed, but the (US) government monitors everyone everywhere, and this has not changed at all. Once, regulators wanted Telegram to close some channels from the server. They knew that Telegram had such capabilities. The (US) government only wanted to keep Facebook. Controlling Telegram is actually not important. What is more important is that regulators know everyone's "social habits" by mastering everyone's identity, and try to control and shape everyone, so that some people they think are dangerous or incorrect cannot speak out. Most people don't care about this and feel that it is far away from themselves, but in fact, every electronic device of yours is monitored. Ordinary people talking about cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, and privacy makes Wall Street and millionaires uncomfortable. I don't care about the feelings of these people in power.