According to Chaincatcher, UXUY, incubated and invested by Binance Labs, announced that Telegram's first multi-chain application center, UXUY DApp Center, is officially launched. Telegram's 900 million users can seamlessly use DApps, including games, transactions, lending and other applications, through the decentralized UXUY Wallet (@UXUYbot), guiding users to explore a richer Web3 ecosystem.

It is reported that @UXUYbot provides a Metamask-like user experience on Telegram, and for the first time connects popular applications such as Uniswap, Pancake, Aave, etc. in the Telegram ecosystem. The current number of users has exceeded 1.5 million.

Kevin, founder of UXUY, said: "It has been proven that Telegram is becoming the traffic entrance for large-scale adoption of Web3. The success of Notcoin, Catizen, and Dogs is attracting multi-chain ecology and infrastructure to migrate to Telegram. UXUY is willing to become the most solid connector among them."