Robert Kiyosaki: The Dollar Is Trash — Invest in Bitcoin

Robert Kiyosaki said that the US national debt is growing by $1.1 trillion every 100 days, and servicing the interest costs taxpayers $1 trillion a year.

“While I want Donald Trump to win, it doesn’t really matter. The real problem is the US debt of $35 trillion, which neither Trump nor Kamala Harris can handle. If you spent $1 a minute, it would take 31,688 years to spend $1 trillion. Simply put, we are in shit. The dollar is trash,” the writer said in his tweet.

The entrepreneur and investor once again called for stopping “hoarding fake money.” According to him, investors should invest their available funds in the first cryptocurrency and precious metals. According to the writer, a recession is inevitable and the world stock market will make a very hard landing "due to the illiterate policies of central banks."