In fact, many people think that stop loss is shameful. I think there is nothing shameful about stop loss. On the contrary, if the blogger you follow tells you how high your winning rate is, I would advise you to be cautious. ️

For professional traders, stop loss is part of the strategy, that is to say, stop loss is a profit plan. Excellent traders will always understand where to hand over the stop loss with the highest cost-effectiveness. As I said, assuming that you set a stop loss of 200u for each order, then do you hand over this stop loss to an order that may make a profit of 1000u, or an order that makes a profit of 100u

Similarly, some stop losses, such as when you go long, stop loss means that the market turns down, and when you go short, stop loss means that the market is bullish, which can give you a clear direction of operation. This is also an excellent stop loss strategy💰

Many people operate. Think about whether you have done it in the past. For example, you want to go long at 50,000 Bitcoin, and then you are reluctant to hand over the stop loss and don’t do it. Then you chase it at 52,000, and finally it falls to 50,000 and you are stopped. Then you think it is possible that 50,000 will rise, so you go long again and then stop loss for the second time. Then you have the same view and you have paid two stop losses, or you chased in at 52,000 and fell to 50,000 but dared not stop loss for fear of mistaken loss, and finally held the order and got liquidated. These are the ideas of leeks, and they are also the reasons for leeks to lose money. For top traders, stop loss is also part of profit. The market regards stop loss as shameful. The practice of being ashamed to mention is the reason why leeks and novices lose money. I have advocated it since the first day I became a blogger. The winning rate is useless. I publicly tell everyone that my winning rate is controlled below 70%, not higher. The market needs top traders to instill correct trading concepts to everyone. The chief will always help everyone to make stable profits💰💰