Last week, we said that the market would start to fall on Monday, and we thought that it would break through the daily pressure. It was too weak. It started to fall last night, and it was so fierce. Ethereum went down more than 100 points directly. Ethereum's trend was more standard, and it was still a second exploration. Bitcoin rebounded strongly but also broke the trend. At present, it should fluctuate and fall until Wednesday; Bitcoin and Ethereum have all fallen below the small-level upward trend support. The big trend Bitcoin supports 58,000, and Ethereum supports 2,250. It is still struggling. Let's see if it can break the big trend support after the 4-hour closing at 12 o'clock, and then find the bottom; Shanzhai has also been basically dragged down and all fell below the upward trend, turning into a downward trend. The last time the market fell, Shanzhai basically did not fall. This time, it should fall together, and then wait for the interest rate cut to rise again.


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